
Women Development Cell

The WDC committee of SHM College encourages female students to be self-sufficient and financially self-sufficient. They also believe in Instilling positive self-esteem and confidence in female pupils in order for them to make the best decisions possible in and for their lives.Not only WDC CELL of college helps Spreading awareness among students about women’s social, legal, and constitutional rights in order to minimise gender-based exploitation but also helps in making females aware of many forms of violence, including sexual, physical, and mental, and providing them with the knowledge and strength to combat it.

The cell also aims at Raising awareness of the importance of gender equality and Providing equal opportunity for men and women in the workplace.

Cultural Committee

Placement Cell


The N. S. S. The programme at the institution allows students to develop their personalities and flourish as individuals. The college’s N. S. S. The unit has been serving the community for many years. N.S.S. has fulfilled the goal of Personality Development via Community Service and the N. S. S. Motto of “Not me, but you” thanks to the supervision of devoted professors and energetically engaged student volunteers.

The NSS unit at S.H.M. College provides a platform for students to engage in community service and create a sense of involvement in nation-building activities. NSS volunteers work to guarantee that those in need receive assistance to improve their living conditions. Every year, a variety of activities are organized to channel youthful enthusiasm and idealism into creative endeavors. They educate students and the general public on a variety of topics, including health, cleanliness, and palliation. Various health camps and cleanliness initiatives are held on a regular basis across campus and in the surrounding slum regions to raise awareness and urge people to work toward a cleaner environment.


The University of Mumbai’s Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension offers an EXTENSION PROGRAMME in which students can participate in various projects. The goal of these programmes is to raise awareness of socio-cultural realities among students and to help them develop their personalities. The projects are both career and community-focused. Students receive TEN bonus points on the final test and certificates for projects completed in 120 hours.

This activity began in our institution three years ago, with 100 students, in 2015-2016, and has grown to 162 students this year.

Through field activities, students and teachers will become more aware of the socio-cultural realities and difficulties that people face.
To raise public awareness about social issues.
To improve employment and self-employment skills.
Individuals and families’ quality of life will be improved, and human resource development will be maximized.

Student Council

STUDENT COUNCIL YOUR VOICE IS OUR VOICE is the slogan of the college’s Students Council, which is a very active committee. The Students Council is a group of elected and volunteer students who collaborate with the professor in charge of administering and arranging college activities such as the Annual Day, Flash Mob, National Seminar, Farewell, Walkathon, and others. The Principal and Vice present all members of Students Council with Student Council badges. Principal is the name of the NSS unit of SHM Degree College. The created holds regular meetings to assist students in developing their General Secretary and President of Students personalities through the use of social council in regards to the Council’s work. The service was excellent. The volunteers are enrolled in the Unit with a grievances file.

The Unit recruits volunteers with a strong commitment to working for the development of society, which aids in instilling values such as equality, liberty, brotherhood, responsibility, caring, sensitivity, seriousness, helpfulness, and leadership, among others.

Student Development Cell

Alumni Association

Research & Development


Commerce Forum

Councelling Cell

Marathi Wangmay Mandal

Sindhi Association